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26 April 2008


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Just to say I too had a great time and found the conference very useful, some of it even exciting! And as someone who got in through the permeability policy, I found the sense of community and support fantastic and a great inducement to get stuck into the interaction. What surprised me a little was the central role played by the text chatting during the presentations. This seemed to be a key component of the sociability of the event as well as a major source of serious reflection and sharing ideas.

Hi Terry - I was really glad that you came along. I hope the Emerge site will always be welcoming of anyone who are interested and engaged in innovation, edtech and online communities. Many thanks for your kind words - I agree, the best part of the event for me was coming away with the same sense of enthusiasm that, as edtechs, we work hard to instill in others.

The text chat was central and extreemly busy during the whole event. At one point Paul suggested we have two chat rooms - one for serious discussion and one for people trying to put the presenter off. Obviously that would have made peoples lives a bit too easy :)

All of the presenters did a great job engaging with both voice and text as well I thought - and it was gratifying to stop the ARGOSI team in there tracks with a fit of chat related giggling at one point.

I'll have to have a look through this; unfortunately I wasn't able to get my Moodle account sorted out (that said, I'm not sure I'd have had the time to do anything more than drop in last week!)

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