Yet again an IT Helpdesk telephone rings, somewhere in UK education. And, yet again, Palmer Eldritch is roused from cryogenic suspension to assist. It is Miss O. Dear, who is looking after reception...
Eldritch - Hello, IT Helpdesk?
Miss O. Dear - Oh, hello. Is that IT?
Eldritch - Yes.
Miss O. Dear - Oh, hello. There's something wrong with my computer.
Eldritch - OK, what's up?
Miss O. Dear - It doesn't work.
Eldritch - It won't switch on?
Miss O. Dear - No, it's on, it's just that I can't see anything.
Eldritch - All your icons aren't where they usually are?
Miss O. Dear - Yeah. And I've not got my email or anything.
Eldritch - OK, you need to hit the 'reset' button on the front. When the machine restarts you should be fine.
Miss O. Dear - [ sounds of keyboard tapping and rapid mouse clicking ]
Eldritch - It's a small, recessed button on the front of your computer.
Miss O. Dear - Riiight... er.... I can't seem to... No, sorry, I can't see anything that says 'reset'.
Eldritch - Can you see the power button where you switch the computer on?
Miss O. Dear - Yes.
Eldritch - OK. Can you see a small, recessed button near that?
Miss O. Dear - Er... No... Where would that be?
Eldritch - On the front of the computer, near the power button.
Miss O. Dear - O...K... Er... No, there's nothing... I can't seem to...