This fucks me off, as well - I subscribe to the 'WinXP' email newsletter (they were recently told they couldn't call it the 'Windows XP' newsletter because they were nothing officially to do with M$) and each issue is the same; a mildly patronising editorial, shitloads of ads and a few useful tips about XP. Well, the latest issue takes the packet of Peak Freens and shoves it where Santa doesn't climb, with a lovely piece entitled Can Your Blog Be Used Against You? - in fact the newsletter has that as its subject line. The message is clear - don't you be writing anything naughty, now, you nasty bloggers - with your quaint alchemy called 'freedom of speech'. You're too ickle for that luxury - only weally, weally wich important people like my daddy can say what they like 'cos they're weally, weally important and can buy small African countries if they want.
They then have the nerve to wish their readers a happy Christmas (within the appropriate legal constraints, obviously), together with a suitably Orwellian quote-of-the-day - "The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary". "Arbeit Macht Frei" anyone? Stick to the tips about XP and leave the lifestyle hints to Henry Ford.
Thanks for bringing to my attention the post which collates info on people who have been fired for blogging, though. Every cloud has a silver etc, etc.