And the Winners of the 2006 Edublog Awards are:
Best Audio and/or Visual Blog:
absolutely intercultural! Anne Fox (Denmark), Laurent Borgmann (Germany)
Best Group Blog:
Polar Science 2006 YES I Can! Science team, McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Diane Hammond, Susan Stiff, and Dr. Tom Stiff (Canada)
Best Individual Blog:
Christopher D. Sessums :: Blog Christopher D. Sessums (USA)
Most Influential Post, Resource or Presentation:
K12 Online Conference 2006 Darren Kuropatwa (Canada), Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach (USA), Wes Fryer (USA)
Best Library/ Librarian Blog:
Hey Jude Judy O’Connell (Australia)
Best Newcomer: (joint winners)
Ed Tech Journeys Pete Reilly (USA) tilt! Paz Peña (Chile)
Best Research Paper:
Nancy White: Blogs and Community Nancy White (USA)
Best Teacher Blog:
Have Fun with English! 2 Teresa Almeida d’Eça (Portugal)
Best Undergraduate Blog:
CILASS Student Blog University of Sheffield Student Ambassadors of the Centre for Inquiry-based Learning In the Arts and Social Sciences (England)
Best Wiki:
Flat Classroom Project Vicki Davis (USA), Julie Lindsay (Bangladesh)
Edublog Star Award (Convenors choice):
Duck Diaries Barbara Cohen (USA)
A well deserved congratulations to the winners – and my huge thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate and vote, and to everyone producing all the fantastic blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, images and everything else out there – it’s great to be a part of such a creative and innovative community!
Next year I’d like to have category leaders manage each category – if you’re interested please drop me a line. It’s just too big an administrative task for one person – especially at this time of year!
Hi Josie
congrats again, may this and every season be as festive and prosperous as you can handle :)
I'm just reiterating my offer to initiate and lead a new category 'class blogs' as in our comments in
I will be trying my best to connect classes that blog at Locally - South Australia and Globally - The World :) If anyone wants to add a good resource, thank you and feel free at
Early days but hopefully it will grow and prove to be a worthwhile pursuit. Cheers, Al
Posted by: Al Upton | Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 06:42