The position statement and petition for the No Learning Patents campaign have gone live today:
“This petition aims to alert European authorities and policy-makers to the dangers of software patents, and particularly to the negative impact they will have on education. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to support and enhance teaching and learning, including e-learning, is now recognised as a key element in providing education which meets the needs and abilities of students, and prepares Europe to participate creatively, technologically and economically on a global level.
This petition is directed to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council and all National policy makers – people in a position to address the threat of software patents and ensure that we offer the best possible education to our citizens.
If you are a concerned teacher, learner, parent, researcher, decision-maker, e-learning practitioner or developer, please, sign this petition on-line and make sure others know about it. We are aiming to raise awareness and gather as many signatures as possible by Thursday 30th March 2006.”
Please head over there, sign up and spread the word. The deadline is pretty tight and the losses could be significant.