Picture credit: Computer ladies of 1972 found by Lorelei
Many countries celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th. This year, we'd like to encourage the whole edublogging community to celebrate the women edubloggers in their lives - friends, mothers, sisters, daughters, online colleagues and co-workers. Please join in the party on this special day with at least one post about women who edublog. It might be a profile, interview, overview of their blog - or just a round up link-fest of all your favourite women edubloggers. So if you have benefited from the contribution of women who blog in, around or about education (and let's face it - who hasn't?), please take part in the women edubloggers blog extravaganza!
Please include the phrase "International Edublogging Women's Day 2006" in your post.
Please include the phrase "International Edublogging Women's Day 2006" in your post.
Hope you start getting this posted a few more times today!
Posted by: Emma Duke-Williams | Wednesday, March 08, 2006 at 11:54