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Friday, January 13, 2006


Chris Smith


Thanks for taking the time to post this review of BETT ... appreciated .. especially the hyperlinks to elsewhere.
I could not attend this year (am 5,000 miles away) and it has actually been difficult finding reviews such as the one you have done here.



My pleasure entirely Chris - btw, have you considered volunteering for the edublog awards committee (http://incsub.org/awards/2005/time-to-get-organised/) - cos we need to see some South East Asia nominees in 2006...

palmer eldritch

I was last at BETT two years ago and was surprised to see that little has changed - apart from the BBC stand and Moodle, I didn't see anything that struck me (and we did walk around quite a bit, did we not? :) ). Once again, MS and Apple were facing each other across a crowded aisle, once again, whiteboards were everywhere (almost). Samsung were flogging even bigger plasma screens, though, which is progress of a kind.

Leon Cych

You can see Adrian Woolard demonstrating the Augmented Reality in this film :





seen this? http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/WM_IN

(yes i'm a microsoft shill - and they don't even pay me)

best thing about BETT for me this year was the Lego robots....


Thanks for this - duly posted. The lego robots are ALWAYS the best thing there. That's the problem!

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