Been horribly, horribly busy with work, and also occupied with domestic fire-starter antics for our families regular Guy Fawkes blow out, which as usual involved setting fire to the garden fence with Catherine Wheels. Slightly disturbing to get two comments on a post with no content (maybe I'm on to something there...) and very happy to see the edubloggers directory doing so well (199!).
John Johnson - one of the bloggers included in the directory - kindly dropped me a line to let me know about is latest project: Scotish Education Blogs. Very exciting and I hope to see you all at next years Edinburgh Alt-C, for a hopefully massive edublogger meet up.
John works at Sandaig Primary, Glasgow, where they're up to all manner of blogging and stuff.
I also notice he's using interesting new service Suprglu to stick all his web based services - ", flickr, blogger, typepad, etc" - together. Will be looking into this one f'sure when I have five minutes.
Hi Josie,
Thanks for the publicity.
I've also started collecting Primary School blogs (ones by pupils or pupils and staff) here:
Primary School Blogs.
Again using Suprglu, I am looking for feeds to add to that one.
Seems like a good idea, I had tried combining feed on the same page before with MagpieRSS but it was beyond my baby talk php to mix and sort feeds in chronological order.
Posted by: John Johnston | Monday, November 07, 2005 at 20:30