Secretary of State Charles Clarke announced at this months Association of Colleges Conference that the LSDA will restructure to take on the role of the new Quality Improvement Body.
The Department’s Five Year Strategy sets out a vision of a learning and skills sector that is able, by 2008, to:
• be fully responsive to the needs of learners and employers;
• attract strong and effective staff and leaders;
• identify and meet its own priorities and targets for improvement,
drawing effectively on the findings of inspection and annual self-assessment.
While the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) will maintain it’s primary role for ensuring the quality of provision in each area meets the needs of learners, employers, communities and the economy, the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA) will take on the responsibility for the new National Quality Improvement Body (NQIB) . While much detailed work remains to be done, LSDA have agreed that it will be re-shaped to separate its strategic commissioning role as the new body from its current delivery role, which the Department expects to be sustained under new arrangements. The Department intends to move forward with the LSDA into the transitional stage of this work.