So here they are in glorious square format. Brief descriptions underneath, click for embiggerment.
Last picture of our beach at Noja. It was very hot and crowded, hence the first picture on the roll was blank as I left the lens cap on. At least I realised.
View across to Bilbao from the ferry (hadn't started yet). Got some nice shots here (nice light leak in this one too).
The bar on the ferry before we set off on a 25 hour journey home. I love the French flag btw.
Long exposure (bulb setting) of the wind turbines on the mouth of the harbour. Vibration of ship made blurryness inevitable. Like the colours though.
Unfinished dome in harbour complex (Bilbao) and sunset.
Wind turbines, cranes and sunset. Bilbao.
Turbine shot, repeat of pic a few above but on normal shutter speed.
Sun sinks into the sea
Long exposure (25 seconds-ish) back of ferry and wake. Was properly dark.
...and so 25 hours later we arrive in Portsmouth (another light leak on second one there).
And that's your lot from the holiday eh? (Answer = no as I've found another unscanned film from the holiday so that'll be next).
Nice work with the sun, there.
Posted by: palmer_eldritch | September 15, 2011 at 08:16 AM