Second visit for George and I to the Poly union, a new experience for Palm. I'd had a bad feeling about the gig as the venue last time (the Glo Bar or summat) was shite. Jackie O Motherfucker blew their fuses and long delays and poor views (no stage) and sound meant I couldn't see tonight coming out well.
Anyways, we rolled up just before 8 to be directed underground to the Sub bar, ruing the fact that Designer Babies were first support. Seen them twice previously (think they supported MB last time) and they really have got me angry both times. On they pop, and they've got rid of supremely irritating frontman. It's amazing to me how much difference losing one guy can make, because they were...less annoying. I didn't want to kill them or anything! Their second song was kinda OK in a Primus kinda way. Palm mentioned JSBX in a non-ironic fashion (I think). They played for waaaaaaaayyy too long, and the singer needs to lose the fake-ass US accent and Spin Spin the Dogs tee (my least fave band, but at least they made a funny comeback to my slagging of them on Palm's site in the summer). Green shoots man, green shoots.
They were followed by the Phil Collins 3 who were absolute rubbish, but quite fun, didn't take themselves at all seriously and didn't outstay their welcome too much. They made their own costumes too, ace! Wouldn't want to see them again though. Bonus point for drummer's very disturbing mask, and lary website.
After PC3 had cleared away Melt Banana took the stage, Mark describes far more eloquently (here) how the gig went. They have once again stormed the gig of the year honours, by miles. I have an unhealthy interest in Yasuka and those feelings were deepened last night she's looooovely. Even once I'd flushed our babies down the drain I still maintained my ardour. They are the best band around at the mo' (sorry Oxes) and the world seems a bit flat when they're not around. If I were to make a criticism it would be that this was the same set as 2 years ago (except Uncontrollable Urge replaced Love Song as the cover) and they haven't had a truly new album out for 2 and a half years (OK Cell Scape is possibly the best album ever, but time for a newy eh?). They were a lot better here for me tho than last time (George disagrees).
Palmer has the pictures, MB are the best, I miss them already.
I even dressed up at work as Agata in tribute.
Update: I've been wondering this week what exactly it is that makes MxBx so great. I've come to conclusions on three points, so am opening myself up to abuse on a number of levels here (oooh he's just screaming for it).
1) as an oriental take on western indie guitar music they bring something to the party that few other bands do. Maybe not being constrained by or feeling the weight of history they can go their own way more freely. Or maybe they integrate their influences less shamefully or slavishly than western bands may. I feel much the same way re the Boredoms.
2) Agata is the most exceptional musician in 'punk'/altrock/indie whatever your chosen pigeon hole. He is recognisable and unique in his guitar sound, unsurprising to see his solo album is in collaboration with John Zorn. Agata for all my drooling fan-boy-ness to Yasuko is the driving force of the band's sound and he should get most of the credit for their success (and this isn't to denigrate the others, just that he marks them out as different).
3) the explosion of lust, anger, energy, aggression, joy and noise at the opening of Shield for your Eyes, a Beast in the Palm of your Hand (the opening number live, as well as on Cell Scape) is counterpointed by the stillness and ethereal beauty of Yasuko, the still but strong solidness of the tiny Rika and the straight ahead drumming of "NewguyIthink". Only Agata outwardly displays any aggression leaping around, but he (literally) masks this with the surgical mask gaffa'd to his face for extra suppression. These visual displays are not coincidental, and (along with repression of emotion in Japanese social life traditionally) serve to increase the power of release as they ejaculate into their set.
That's my take anyway. Mark all comments "Welsh Bollocks" to the usual address
I wasn't being ironic - when they stumbled upon melody for a couple of seconds the riff was definitely reminiscent of 'Orange' but without any power behind it.
Posted by: palmer eldritch | November 15, 2005 at 03:02 PM
George tells me that the lead Designer Baby is Canandian!!
Posted by: palmer_eldritch | November 17, 2005 at 09:20 PM
Or even 'Canadian'
Posted by: palmer_eldritch | November 17, 2005 at 09:21 PM
Eeeeeeeeexcellent. Makes me look the rube now don't it?
Posted by: Gilbert | November 18, 2005 at 10:14 AM
I don't know, I have no idea what that means.
Posted by: palmer_eldritch | November 18, 2005 at 12:07 PM