Michael Bay is remaking The Birds. I could just throw up my hands in horror and stop there.
Watched this with J. It's been hyped to death over the summer as the biggest action movie in town, and it did turn out to be an explosive collision of boy's own casual sexism, twisting metal and terrible editing. I like to think that I pay close attention when I'm watching films, but a lot of the time the sequence of shots was just missing that key something - namely any logical progression. So viewers get to play fill in the blanks while the story as a whole works itself out - two teams of confusingly similar looking alien robots who can disguise themselves by assuming the form of Earth technology arrive. Rather disappointingly no one transformed into an evil kettle or kindly hovercraft. They battle it out over a black cube thing and the fate of humanity. The humans prove themselves worthy of annihilation several thousand times ("Hey! There's a big giant metal alien fight coming! Lets hide in the middle of the most densely populated area we can find!"). Good triumphs but at the high cost of potential sequels.
The transforming thing was good but you'd have thought they could have come up with one exciting car chase between a host of extraterrestrial high powered vehicles. They might as well as assumed the form of dingies. Complete tosh.
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